Montessori Daycare For Infant Preschool Garland, Texas
Montessori Infant Daycare is specially designed for 3 to 12 months child to make sure your child is in a flourishing, healthy, and safe place. Our infant Montessori provides infants with many opportunities to explore and learn crucial details regarding their surroundings. These infant educational programs ensure your child gets all the love & care they deserve.
Infant Daycare Important Factor
The main factors of our Montessori infant daycare are that your infant learns elements regarding independence and develops sensory, motor & cognitive skills. These infant programs are developed so your child can learn more about their surrounding environment and their own cognitive & physical features.
Development Overview
Due to this being the first level, these infant programs develop a trust factor among the kids and help them build a strong personality. The educators use different expressional techniques to convey a meaningful message, like a smile, to your child. Most of the time, infants learn through their senses, which is why we encourage them to use facial expression imitation, play and explore different solid objects. Our infant rooms are safe so that they can move freely around the room. Moreover, an infant’s development and growth are directly proportional to the love & care they receive. All of our educators are handpicked to provide infants with a safe, flourishing, and loving atmosphere.
Requirements regarding care
At Montessori school, we facilitate infants with a proper learning atmosphere and care in the early development stages. Our Infant daycare rooms are cleaned regularly, and they are also free from any potential hazards so that your kid can explore the place with no care. In addition, all of our infant educators are adequately trained to provide exceptional infant care, such as maintaining a clean environment, infant feedings, diaper changes, and implementing an infant educational curriculum. The main reason behind the infant Montessori program is to prepare the kids for the next step in their life, which is the toddler curriculum.