Montessori Daycare For Toddlers Preschool Garland, TX
Montessori toddler preschool capabilities at Little Ivies Montessori are specifically developed to teach toddlers ages of 1 to 3 years. How they can utilize their sensory motors, cognitive abilities, and surroundings to solve the issues they might face in the real world. In addition to this, our daycare toddlers classes utilize a scheduled approach to teach children about routines and expectations.
Overview of Development
Our toddler daycare development process consists of four crucial development blocks. The first one on the list is order & sequence development. The second one is language development. The third one is proper motor skills development, and the last one is the implementation of routines & schedules. The first factor is crucial as it lays the basic foundation for organizational & reading skills.

Toddler School Regarding Skill Sets
One of the best toddler activities is directly associated with fine motor skills, which is why our preschool for toddlers emphasizes it particularly. Through careful supervision, our educators get to know what they can do physically. With this, they also get to learn how to use multiple tools. However, this activity is performed under the close supervision of a caretaker, so you do not have to worry about anything.
What involves in routine?
Last but not section, our toddler programs involves schedules & routines. With the help of this particular capability, toddlers tend to feel safer as they know what will happen. In addition, they also develop the ability to forecast what kind of toddler activity is up next. After completing our toddler classes in Plano, the children are ready for the next chapter of their journey: the Primary Program.